
Canine Rehab Systems

Tools For Canine Rehabilitation, Fitness, and Performance


Rehab Skate RS-01

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.



Our Model RS-01 and RS-02 Rehab Skates are designed to work the core musculature when moved in the cranial/caudal direction. They can also be used laterally, creating challenges for the oblique abdominal muscles when both hind limbs are placed on the board, or for the abductors and adductors when only one limb is moved.

The smaller Model RS-01 is ideal for rehabilitating a medial shoulder instability. It can be used for limited flexion/extension movements earlier on, to begin work on dynamic stability, then used for control with abduction movements in the later stages .




Model RS-01 utilizes an 8-inch diameter, 1/2 in cabinet grade oak or birch plywood platform, and a single, three castering wheel dolly support.


Model RS-02 utilizes an 8 in by 13 in diameter, 1/2 in cabinet grade plywood platform, and double, three castering wheel dolly supports.

Both are surfaced with 6mm industrial rubber matting, allowing good grip, resistance to toe nail scratching, and ease of cleaning. Wood surfaces are finished in polyurethane for durability and water resistance.

(StaxSteps boxes available separately.)


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